
Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Holiday Recount

Tuesday 21st April 2015

Holiday Recount

In the Holidays my cousin Toni-Lee and her dance crew from school. Entered a competition called Mega Schools. All the schools from Auckland and one from Wellington compete to one a spot in the finals and from there go and compete overseas against other crews.

My anty rang my mum and said that her daughter was going to dance at the mega schools. When my mum heard she told me to tell my friends if they wanted to come to the mega schools and watch her nese dance at the Mega Schools.

When we went to the mega schools we met my anty called Mata so we call her anty Mata. We also meet her son Dylan her other daughter Shontell and her kids Jr and Charlet.

The dance was at Vodafone Events Center. There we had to give our tickets that we brought online to these two security guards. One we got in there were people from Custom Dee selling T - shirts and people selling food. There were a lot of people waiting in line for the guards to open up the doors. The line started to get bigger as the time went by because more and more people were coming through the doors to watch all the school preform.

When they opened the doors my family and my friends sat on the ground when everyone else sat up on the cheers so they could see more. When it started the announcer came out and introduced us to all the judges. He told us what all the judges did and most of them were dances. Then he told us all the sponsors. Like My FM,Custom Dee and many more.

The first school that danced was some school I can’t remember. But I do remember the really good schools like MAGS (Mt Albert Grammar School),AGGS (Auckland Girls Grammar School),Request, The Royal Family, Prestige and some really cool schools. But the school that came first was Manure School Then in Second place came MAGS and third came this other school that I can’t remember. So all three school get to compete  to go overseas.


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