
Thursday, 26 May 2016

Battle Hill

Tuesday 24th May 2016

Battle Hill

Once upon a time their was a young woman by the name of Astrid her father had trained her to become a great warrior. She was feared across the land. One day she came across a town called Battle Hill. It was overrun by thieves and robbers. The leader of the thieves and robbers went by the name Rider. Rider was a Great thief, infact he was the greatest thief. He could steal anything from anyone and his friends always had his back too. That was the main reason he had become their leader. He was also very smart and strong and made great plans to steal priceless things When Astrid got there she had spotted three of Rider’s robbers robbing and old man and his wife. She knew that she could not sit back and watch an old man get robbed, she needed to do something she thought to herself. So she took the two at the back out and sweep kicked the one robbing the old man.

She had heard that the town had been overrun by robbers. So she told them to tell her where their hideout was. They had told her that there hideout was in a cave at the back of a hill. So that was where she had to go. At the hideout there were 12 men guarding the entrance to the cave and Rider was safely inside the hideout. Astrad was also smart like Rider so she created a smoke bomb to distract the guards and get them away from the entrance. Once they were gone she quietly tiptoed into the cave to find Rider in the middle of the cave. He was a sleep so she carried him out and took her to where she was camping out. Next to the beach. She was next to the beach so that people could not hear him because of the loud sound of the waves from the beach.

In the morning she stole a horse and took herself and him out of Battle Hill with. Soon Rider and Astrid fell in love and stopped doing what they were doing to take time out. Three years after that three bounty hunters were sent to retrieve Rider and bring him back to Astrid’s home village to her father policeman. But she could not let them take her love away so she put a hood on and fought side by side with the person she was there to stop. Stopping all three of those skilled killers took some time. After that they were tired and worn out. So they took time away and hide from everyone so that they could never be found. Years later they had kids who would grow up to be great warriors.

The End

The Lesson of the story is to always have your family and friends back.

By Jayden.F


Danni Stone said...

Hi Jayden,

You have so many wonderful ideas in your writing - your stories are always entertaining. I hope you enjoy writing poems next week as well.

Amy Tofa said...

Very entertaining narrative Jayden. I love the name of your character too. Wouldn't it be great to create a visual presentation of your narrative?

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